Shahin Najak

Shahin Najak, MEd, is a certified MBSR Mindfulness Meditation coach. Shahin’s clients are her priority. She always goes the extra mile to build trust and mutual respect. She creates 4,6, and 8-week mindfulness workshops, which include mindful communication, which will enhance the work/life balance of individuals within an organization. Our life at home affects our ways of being in the workplace. Her mindfulness, science-based workshops empower individuals to build collaborative, cooperative, compassionate relationships.

Areas of Expertise
Introduction to Mindfulness : Shahin's Introduction to Mindfulness session offers participants an overview of stress, its impact, and what " mindfulness " is. Through practical examples and brain-based mindfulness practices, participants will learn daily mindfulness practices, strengthening the neural pathways that promote resiliency, focused attention, and calming the inner critic through self-acceptance.
Living Mindfully: Shahin offers a 6-week course on how to move past our habitual patterns of behaviour. Our conditioned reactions, assumptions and perceptions in our work and family lives limit our ability to connect. Through short teachings, experiential activities and guided practices, participants will leave with practical tools to support them in gaining clarity in their inner lives.
Mindful Communication: This 4-week course offers teachings and examples which create self-awareness. Using non-violent communication, mindfulness and somatic practices, participants will gain practical tools which will support them in transforming their communication habits and improving their relationships. Participants will gain confidence, recognize and use healthy boundaries, and bring compassion into their communications and relationships.
8-Week Mindfulness and Meditation Course: Practicing mindfulness provides a way of relating directly to everything life offers. Mindfulness meditation, on and off the cushion, allows us to become aware of our stresses, anxieties, worries and daily challenges. This program helps participants enhance their physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being.
Regret-Free Parenting Course: This 6-week program offers foundational teachings on mindfulness meditation to create calm amidst the chaos. This course will support participants in gaining an understanding of the basic concepts around mindfulness, meditation and how to use the concepts in daily life to reduce stress and increase confidence, resilience, and conscious communication with oneself, co-workers, and family.