Niya Bajaj

Niya Bajaj is an accredited yoga therapist, narrative medicine facilitator and poet in community. She can help your organization beat burnout, eliminate fatigue, and cultivate a change resilient, psychologically safe culture for sustainable success with accessible, evidence based, easy to implement practices that can start immediately.

Areas of Expertise
Keynote on Self-Care: A sustainable self-care practice has been clinically proven to help reduce anxiety, depression and stress, increase happiness, and wellbeing. If you want to identify things you can do to help you adapt to changes, build strong relationships, and recover from setbacks, this interactive session is for you. We will explore the eight aspects of wellbeing and identify clear practices you can start to apply now so you feel better, are more focused and happier.
Eat Well to Be Well Workshop: What and how you eat plays a critical role in your success. Whether you're struggling with brain fog, fatigue, weight management or just want to feel better, this workshop is for you. We will explore techniques to nourish ourselves by eating mindfully. We'll explore the relationship between food and mood, to learn how you can approach food in a mindful way by taking the time to eat and enjoy what you're eating in the present moment.
Plan Well, Be Well Workshop: Setting wellbeing goals can help you remain healthy, active, and happy for your whole life, which will improve your relationships and your performance. If you find yourself making resolutions but don't stick with them, this workshop is for you. We will review two approaches to goal setting, and walk through the skills, resources, and practices you need to cement your commitment, and ways to implement your plan for achievement. We'll explore common challenges and test strategies that you can use right now.
Stress Well, Be Well Workshop: If you want to experience stress as a positive, growth generating experience that increases your capacity, levels up your performance and improves your relationships, this workshop is for you. We will explore the current research around mindsets and how to change them, and try 5 practices to shift how you experience and respond to stress so you can stay energetic, healthy and productive during and after stressful events.