Dr. Mitch Abrams

Dr. Mitchell Abrams is a radiologist, assistant clinical professor at Michael G. Degroote School of Medical Sciences, a HeartMath Certified trainer and a certified educator of Applied Compassion from Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE). Dr. Abrams is a dynamic educator and thought-leader, supporting corporate clients with an innovative, clinically-proven approach to retain and attract top talent, through trainings & programs that foster a healthy company culture, and that can help employees manage stress, reverse burnout, and lead to increased happiness and productivity.

Areas of Expertise
Keynote Presentation: An informative and experiential dive into an innovative, clinically-effective approach to address stress and burnout, that inspires a fundamentally healthier approach to life. This approach leads to a vibrant and supportive company culture, helping organizations attract and retain top talent. By presenting this cutting edge proactive system of health, your people will feel empowered and supported by the organization to become the best version of themselves, impacting productivity and overall job satisfaction. Customization provided.
On Site Workshops & Offsite Retreats: Workshops provide a platform for deepening your perspectives on energy as it pertains to your health, your relationships with others, and the planet. This cutting edge knowledge, coupled with individual and team practices, leads to powerful transformations. Burnout and stress become manageable. Passion is ignited. Collective change can happen when each individual in the organization masters their own well-being and steps onto the path of becoming the best version of themselves.
In Person or Online Certification Courses: Certified practitioners and organizations step into a greater role and mission leveraging emerging proactive medical science based on heart coherence and resilience. By embarking on this foundational and proactive approach to healthcare, and communicating your expertise through certification, you communicate to your clients and employees that you’re committed to a healthier workplace and a healthier world. Attracting and retaining top talent and happier staff will be a natural outflow of this cutting edge certification. The organization becomes a leader in a more conscious business landscape. (weekly 1 month, 3 month and 6 month programs).
1:1 coaching:Dr. Abrams empowers top executives with an intimate experiential journey for inner transformation that translates into improved health, increased resilience, creativity and authentic leadership. Clients are provided the knowledge, skills and tools that expand the human experience, cultivating an authentic approach to life - personally and professionally.