Lise Kiefer

Lise Kiefer is a wellness coach utilizing nutrition, fitness and sleep to help organizations flourish. By integrating stress management and recovery techniques, she supports individuals in establishing long-lasting lifestyle changes by emphasizing behavior change, enabling clients to make small yet impactful adjustments that result in enhanced health and productivity.

Areas of Expertise
1-Hour Group Fitness Class: Ignite the hour of power! Dedicate 60 minutes to energize individuals, fostering strength and stress reduction.
1-Hour Educational Session :(Choose Nutrition or Sleep) Let Lise deliver cutting-edge insights and practical strategies for a lasting impact on your chosen topic—nutrition or sleep.
12-Week Sleep Bootcamp: Embark on a transformative 12-week journey with weekly 1-hour check-ins. Delve deep into sleep science, craft tailored strategies, and cultivate a sleep hygiene routine for enhanced sleep and reduced stress. Price:
Half-Day Workshop: Immerse yourself in the synergy of fitness, nutrition, sleep, and stress management. Equip yourself with personalized strategies for an elevated quality of life.