Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton, a registered professional counselor and specialized women's fitness and health trainer, provides workshops and group support covering fitness and mental health. Exploring boundaries and polyvagal theory for nervous system regulation aids in navigating workplace conflicts respectfully. Learning to maintain well-being without succumbing to diet culture fosters healthier minds and bodies, leading to increased happiness, reduced stress, and a life fueled by passion and purpose.

Areas of Expertise
Workshops on Mental Health and Fitness: Blending fitness and counseling, Kate hosts workshops on integrating mental health and fitness, bridging the two worlds. With a focus on polyvagal theory, she guides individuals in nervous system balance, especially for those triumphing over adversity. Kate guides the shift from body change fixation to body connection, crafting routines for mental and physical strength. This fosters stress reduction, accelerates healing from trauma, sidestepping harmful diet culture approaches.
Workshops on Females and Fitness: Kate specializes in cycle syncing and menopause fitness, leading workshops on both fitness and mindset tailored to individuals navigating life with female hormones. In a fitness landscape skewed toward males, Kate addresses the gender data gap, uncovering vital distinctions. Her approach transforms perceptions—there are no off times, only diverse strengths to harness. Empowering women, Kate's holistic method unlocks potential, enabling a life aligned with rhythms, exuding grace and vitality.