Karin Goldgruber

Karin Goldgruber is a Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner who specializes in helping highly sensitive people (HSP) to better deal with stress and overwhelm. She can help your organization to create greater awareness of the innate trait of high sensitivity, and to build a supportive work culture for HSP employees as well as a better customer experience for HSPs. Karin offers keynote presentations, workshops and individual sessions.

Areas of Expertise
Simple Stress Solutions Keynote: This keynote focuses on implementing effective and easy-to-maintain strategies to reduce stress at home and at work.
Recognizing the Potential of Highly Sensitive People Employees Keynote: This keynote focuses on improving understanding of this innate trait. This often unrecognized trait is beneficial to all workplaces, when understood.
Simple Stress Solutions Workshop :Karin helps attendees to practice hands-on stress solutions and best practices to implement them easily in their daily routine. This includes an introduction to Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a scientifically backed strategy for regulating the nervous system.
Recognizing the Potential of Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Employees Workshop: Karin helps attendees discover if they are HSP, known in the literature as Sensory Processing Sensitivity. Approximately 15-20% of people have this innate trait. When understood, HSPs are more productive, creative, and stay with companies longer.