Dr. Julia Sen

Dr. Julia Sen, known as The Possibility Psychologist™, has a full-time private practice, is a published author, speaker, and workshop leader. With over 20 years of clinical experience, Julia created The Habit of Heart™, a practice that builds security and belonging within ourselves, a key component to achieving success, unconditional confidence, and happiness. Julia can help your organization improve stress levels, learn to communicate in effective ways, and securely connect with each other, to deliver optimal results at work, individually and as a team.

Areas of Expertise
Keynote-Why re-learning your ABC’s matters for your success and happiness: Dr. Julia Sen’s evocative keynote on the significance of Attachment, Belonging, and Compassionate courage delivers practical insights and simple strategies to reduce stress, improve communication, and create security within individuals and teams. Through clinically relevant experience and research-based methods, Julia helps the audience gain knowledge, awareness, and tools to navigate daily stressors and identify barriers to growth and success.
Corporate Half Day Workshop: In The ABC’s of Self-sabotage, Julia takes your participants on an interactive deep dive to uncover the strategies and beliefs that negatively impact their daily lives and help them transform their actions from sabotage to success.