Hannah Marsh

Hannah Marsh is a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Facilitator. She can help your organization to reduce stress and burnout through well-researched mindfulness practices. Her work is based on MBSR, which has been shown to improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance well-being. She can introduce your organization to the benefits of mindfulness and provide concrete strategies to bring mindfulness into the workplace. All programs can be customized to your organization’s needs.

Areas of Expertise
Less Stress, More Mindfulness Keynote: In this engaging keynote, the audience will experience mindfulness first hand, and learn how mindfulness can reduce stress, increase creativity, and support health. The audience will leave with practical strategies to bring mindfulness into their life and work.
Mindfulness in the Workplace Workshop: In this highly interactive workshop, participants will learn about mindfulness, its benefits for stress and well-being, and how to bring mindfulness into their workday. Workshops can be customized to focus on particular mindfulness skills such as mindful self-compassion or mindful communication.
Stress Reduction Retreat: In this half-day retreat, participants will be guided through restorative mindfulness practices to reduce stress and enhance mental health. Participants will be given guidance on bringing these mindfulness practices into their daily lives to help them skillfully cope with stress.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: In this 9-week psycho-educational program, participants will be guided through mindfulness practices and in-depth discussion, learning practical tools to manage stress. This highly researched program was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. This weekly program is best suited for 10-25 people.