Cindy Marques

Cindy Marques is a Certified Financial Planner®, CEO of MakeCents: a financial literacy company for Canadians, and Director of Education & Financial Planning at Open Access: a group retirement benefits company for Canadian employers. Cindy has been featured in dozens of publications and hosted several workshops throughout her career. She can help your organization by empowering your team with financial fluency. Employees that appreciate what their paycheck can do for them—the potential it holds, and how to maneuver it with clarity and confidence—will show up every day inspired to earn that paycheck!

Areas of Expertise
Financial Wellness Workshop: Our workshops are thoughtfully designed to provide a comprehensive experience, offering 90 minutes of insightful presentation, with the option of an additional 30 minutes for Q&A, should you desire further engagement. Attendees also receive valuable supplementary resources and worksheets.
Cindy, a skilled CFP Professional, possesses expertise in an extensive range of financial planning subjects. Tailoring presentations to your specific interests, we cover a diverse spectrum of topics including Cashflow Planning & Budgeting, Debt & Credit Management, Money Mindset & Financial Trauma, Financial Goal Setting, Saving & Investing, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning, Family Planning, Preparing for Home Ownership, as well as guidance for Starting a Business or Side Hustle, among others.