Ann Marie Deas

Ann-Marie is a registered social worker and certified health and life coach. She is also a trained Mindfulness Facilitator and Compassion Fatigue & Burnout Educator. With this powerful combination, she can help your organization develop a culture of wellness whether through strategic planning, professional development or restorative practices. With over 30 years in the mental health field, Ann-Marie is passionate about building holistic cultures and sustainable changes that bring greater balance, energy, and vitality to your workforce.

Areas of Expertise
Beyond Self Care-Thriving as a Professional, full day workshop : Working professionals often find themselves in complex work environments where the day to day demands can lead to cumulative stress. This stress can be aggravated by personal circumstances. In this interactive and reflective presentation, participants will develop an understanding of their exposure to cumulative stress, in both their personal and work lives. They will learn to recognize their unique triggers and early warning signs as well as key strategies to support wellbeing including self care strategies within this broader context.
Strategic Planning for a Culture of Wellbeing: Take your organization to the next level by developing a clear plan for moving forward using evidence-based implementation science. Get clear on how your organization is currently operating through a landscape scan and gap analysis based on current practices. Through broad collaboration, develop strategic goals and strategies for implementation and specific steps toward growing a culture of wellness.
Jumpstart your Health & Energy, 21 day program: Move away from feeling overwhelmed and exhausted while having fun learning healthy eating habits that increase your vitality!!! This program includes 3 one hour coaching sessions over 21 days. Together, we’ll explore what foods work best (and which don’t) to give you optimum energy and kickstart changes in your body.
Sleep More to Stress Less, 1 - 2hr workshop: There are many health risks to stress and lack of sleep, but there are simple strategies that can help you break out of this vicious cycle. Through an interactive workshop, Sleep More to Stress Less offers a streamlined way to learn simple strategies that can break the sleep stress cycle.