Alicia Wright Williams

Alicia Wright Williams is a down to earth, professional and heart centered healing facilitator with a professional background administration in the Federal Public Service. She’s been on a deep wellness journey for over a decade and shares the tools and technologies that have greatly shifted her own life. She is a certified Usui Reiki Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga & Meditation/Mindfulness Teacher, & Sound & Gong Healing Practitioner.

Areas of Expertise
90 Minute Mindfulness (breathwork, gentle movement) Experience and Sound Bath: This in person 90 minute experience will leave participants feeling grounded, relaxed, clear and well rested. Gongs, chimes, and other healing instruments will be used. Past participants report feeling incredible for days afterwards. Participants will also leave with a take home handout with quick/ practical tools to incorporate into their day to day lives for greater balance, peace, and productivity/satisfaction.
Kundalini Yoga/Breathwork/Meditation for Stress and Burnout Prevention: available online or in person. Customizable from 30-90 minutes. Participants will practice (and receive a handout to continue) several quick and effective tools and proven techniques to relieve and prevent stress and burnout. Contact for custom quote: price varies dependent on whether it’s in person, virtual, and length of time desired.
Kundalini Yoga/Breathwork/Meditation for Productivity/Focus and Prosperity: Participants will practice (and receive a handout to continue) several quick and effective tools and proven techniques for greater alertness, focus, productivity and magnetism. Available online or in person. Customizable from 30-90 minutes.